Sunday, February 23, 2014

21 Weeks

how are you measuring? 21 weeks

size of baby? a banana

heartbeat? 150 bpm (as of 2-21)

total weight gain/loss? None since my last visit!

maternity clothes? Def. in maternity pants for work, and the maternity jeans are more comfortable!

stretch marks? Yes, but that is from gaining weight from before getting pregnant..:( Haven't noticed too many "new" ones!

sleep? Still up quite a bit to change positions because my hip will hurt and I need to switch sides and to pee!

best moment this week? Feeling Wyatt flutters, and seeing him on the sono again this past Friday!  His heart rate was good, and the sonographer focused on his heart.  She said his heart looked great, and everything looked good!  Friday I measured 20 weeks 5 days, and Wyatt measured 20 weeks 3 days.  He is 12 ounces, and the dr. is estimating he maybe between 6-7 lbs at birth. 

movement? Definitely feeling more movement...especially at night when I am on couch!

food cravings? Orange juice still and now more spicy stuff!

gender predictions? Sono showed definitely a boy still! :0  Wyatt Allen!

what i miss? Back not bothering me, more energy...

what i'm looking forward to?  Just continuing our healthy journey, spring break, and hopefully getting done with my certification stuff by the end of March!

how are you feeling? Non-pregnancy related: I am kind of sick with sinus stuff..:/  Ear is stopped up, and my cough has been going on for 2-3 days, and it's not better.  Dr. told me to take mucinex, sudafed, zyrtec, but so far I have not improved. I will prob. try and get in with my reg. Dr. tomm as I don't want to get worse...I hate even taking medicine, but this Spring is a bad time of year for me, and I really don't have time to be sick!

This was me dressed up last night for my school auction/dinner!

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